Finds from the Reptile Expo in Raleigh, NC!



Here are my two new babies. Sorry about the blueness on their feet. My friend had an aquarium with blue sand that I put them in at the hotel before we left. 30 minutes and their feet were blue. lol. They are on carpet right now.

This is my blazing blizzard.


This is my SHTCT.


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Both were from breeders. I cannot say off the top of my head who had bred them, I will get back to you. :)


Thats what I thought. :) I wasn't quite sure though.

I got the BB from Too Fast Reptiles, but he was given him and some other some gorgeous leos to sell with his snakes. I recognized the name of the breeder when he told me but his name escapes me.

The SHTCT is from Carter's Reptiles or WestExHerps... It was a long day, but I think it was Carter's. He didn't want to really sell her, but did not have much else at the expo to sell. He said he purchased her for 100$, and I picked her up for a lot less than that. They both seem extremely healthy and are eating well. I am happy with my finds as there was only one other blazing blizzard and he was selling for nearly 70$, I got a great deal on mine. The female was the ONLY SHTCT at the show. There was one wholeseller who was selling "SHTCT"s but they were really just dark hypo-tangerines. Plus they were over 150$.

I saw what some of you all said about unhealthy reptiles but oply two of the vendors had unhealthy animals. I was really pleased with the quality and health of the reptiles at the show and the vendors were extremely nice and helpful. My boyfriend bought a beautiful, amazingly docile red tail boa for 45$! I also picked up a pair of very nice Gouldian Finches.
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Rockin the Suburbs
Rock Hill, SC
there were a few nice bearded breeders there, I didnt see one gecko "breeder" other than the crested gecko guy that was there. I saw a BB that LLL had that looked pretty good other than the bite marks on his tail. The one that caught my eye was the 2 inch long Super Snow, had the guy been a breeder and not a wholeseller I may have attempted it. Considering the Super was only 45 buck lol. But it was more than likelly disease ridden Anyway. I was dissapointed and probably wont go back unless to vend in the future.


Rockin the Suburbs
Rock Hill, SC
BTW I am glad you found some that looked good:) And I think I seen you, were you wearing a shirt with a peace symbol on the back? If so I was near the door in line behind you.


I dont think I've ever worn a peace symbol. Might have been my evil twin sister though. lol. No, I was wearing a green shirt saturday and today I was wearing a white shirt. I went in as VIP and was there at 9 on saturday. All the nice, mature leos were really gone by 10. I was fortunate to get what I did. I bought them as soon as I saw them. :)

Yea, there were no pure gecko breeders. Like I said, the guy I got the bb from was a snake breeder but was selling some select geckos from a gecko breeder who was a friend of his. The SHTCT was from a breeder who sold both snakes and geckos. He was not selling many leos though. I think all of his geckos were gone by the first day. The only vendor who really bothered me was the one selling tiny, itty, bitty hatchling geckos on sand, and most of the had regrown tails. I really don't even see how that is possible. They were mostly normals and were selling for 40 dollars! Ugh, he bothered me. I enjoyed all the other vendors though. LL Reptiles was way overpriced though they had decent reptiles and the vendor knew a lot about leos.
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