
Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
These are from our Firefox project. Very intensely colored lav and orange. Getting brighter by the day. We will produce a limited number of these this year.
Firefoxes stay very bright right through adulthood. Adults usually have 3 different shades of orange, some lavender patches, and often show limited, large tail spots. Firefoxes were produced by Ron a couple years ago but not many have been released in the US.

Here's a male and female (female close to shed).

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Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
Firefox are super bright. Hard to accurately show them in a pic. Their orange is very intense.

The female we are using for this project is named Baby Bird. When she was a baby, she couldn't figure out the whole eating thing, so we had to hand feed her with baby mealworms for about 10 days until she got the hang of it. Now she is a big robust female and popping out eggs like crazy. Her eggs are all big and perfect which I attribute in part to her voracious appetite for dubias. Her colors are incredible, very bright oranges. The male is a golden color with a nice lavender patch on his back. Their babies are going to be 5 star for sure. We may hold back a pair but will make the others available to the gecko community.

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