First Breeding Season

C C Gecko

New Member
Salinas, CA
what to breed with?

This will be my first attempt at breeding my leos. Both of my males are mature and willing, I am waiting on my females to accept them.

My first pairing is my darling Normal with his girl a Mack Snow TA. I know my chances of anything are at 25% for all combos.

That leaves my Eclipse patternless male and my RS APTOR. I am not a fan of the results of those two.

I wanted to get anyones thoughts and advice on possible projects I could attemp next season. I am willing to add a male and female gecko to my breeding collection but I would like to use my Eclipse male and female APTOR

I have used the following morph calculator and I am not comming up with anything that interests me.

Thank you for any advice.
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New Member
Sheffield, UK
Tbh i wouldn't bother with the second pairing, those gecko's will be very hard to sell.
I'd let your male wait and get him a raptor or eclipse.

You should buy a Male nova for the MS tremper, and head your way towards dreamsicles.

C C Gecko

New Member
Salinas, CA
Which male are you referring to for me to wait the normal or Eclispe?
What types do you breed to attempt dreamsicles?

My normal male and female MSTA have mated once or atleast attemped to.

Female Mack Snow TA x ?
Male Eclispe x ?
Female APTOR x ?


New Member
Sheffield, UK
Personally what i would do, is i would breed your Female MS tremper albino to your Male Eclipse.
And get a Mack snow het Raptor from it.
Then pick up a Nova (Enigma Raptor)
and breed the nova to the mack snow het raptor and hopwfully you will get a dreamsicle.

And for your female aptor, i would get a really bright tangerine tremper, like a sunglow.

C C Gecko

New Member
Salinas, CA
Thank you very much. One question hope its not to stupid. Where does the het for RAPTOR come from when breeding my Eclipse and MSTA?
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New Member
Sheffield, UK
haha no thats a fine question.

Raptor = tremper albino and eclipse.

So when you do the pairing Mack Snow Tremper Albino x Eclipse.
All the babies will be het for TA AND eclipse which is what raptor is. Therefore this is often shortened and people just say 'het for raptor' as TA and eclipse are the genes of raptor.

Get me?
Its okay if not, i'll try and explain it better if you don'.t

C C Gecko

New Member
Salinas, CA
I think I am following on that. Does that mean you get Raptors or just het for raptor? If just het for raptor what is the next step for raptors?

Also could you suggest a source for reading what pairings make what. I find the morph caculator not to usefull unless you know more than what I am know.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
It would mean just getting het for raptors.
The next step to get raptors would be to breed it to any other gecko carrying a raptor gene. Either another gecko het for raptor or an actual raptor.

If you just forget about all the other genes involved at the moment, so you can find it easier to understand:

Raptor x Non Raptor = Non raptors HET TA and Eclipse (aka Raptor)
Raptor x Raptor = 100% raptor
Raptor x Het raptor = 25% raptors, 25% TA het eclipse, 25% Eclipse het TA, 25% non raptors HET TA ad Eclipse (aka raptor)

Actually that might just confuse you more.
to be honest im not the best person to explain genetics, its hard to explain and im rubbish at explaining things lol.

But think of it like this. A gecko needs two copies of a gene (recessive gene) to SHOW the gene. So a tremper albino needs two copies of the TA gene to be a TA.

So say 0 is the normal gene. and 1 is TA gene. So 00 = normal and 11 = TA
00 x 11 = 01 --- this is het for tremper
01 x 11 = 11, 01 --- 50% hets, 50% TA's
11 x 11 = 11 --- 100% trempers
01 x 01 = 11, 10, 01, 00

im gonna leave it there i might be ocnfusing you more.

This may help:
its another morph calc, but i find this one better, as it updates the outcome every time you change something, without having to refresh or reload.

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