First encounter


New Member
I've been reading all about snakes and snake husbandry and snake this and snake that and snakes on a plane! :p I don't have the money or room to have one but I was hanging out at a petstore today (I'm such a dork...) and I asked if I could hold a ball python. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't getting so excited about snakes if they creeped me out to touch.

So a really nice employee who was scared to death to even touch the snakes, overcame that fear and got out a baby ball python. I just stood there holding this adorable, curious snake and talked leopard geckos with the employee for about 15 minutes. It was awesome. Sometimes petstore people do know what they are talking about. :)

I am now enchanted by the texture and muscular build of snakes. I know this isn't much of a discussion topic but it really brightened my day and I wanted to share. What was everyone else's first snake-holding experience like? :D


Gex 'n Snakes
North Carolina
The first time I held a snake was taking my ball python out of her shipping bag. I dove in head first, and haven't looked back since, LOL! I'm glad you had such a nice experience.


New Member
dfw, tx
I first held a snake about two weeks ago at a reptile show, and my experience was the same. I was totally captivated. I can't wait to own one.:D:main_yes:


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Quite a few years ago, around Christmas time, our youngest son, Jake, started begging for a ball python for his birthday (which is in April).
I came up with every excuse possible:
"No! It'll eat the cat!"
"They get as big as a Buick."
"It'll get loose and bite me in the middle of the night."

You get the idea, right?

Well, Jake was relentless, so for his birthday, he picked out a baby ball python. He named him, 'Nobody'.
He was nothing like I expected. He was so sweet natured and seemed to really respond to human interaction. After the first day, I forgot all the myths that told me these were mindless killers and I fell head over heels for this tiny, beautiful little creature.

That was ten years ago. We still have Nobody. He awakened a passion for reptiles that is undescribable. The collection has grown out of control and every waking minute is devoted to the care of these guys, but you know what? I wouldn't change a thing. Of all the things in the world to be addicted to, this is the most satisfying and fulfilling.

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