First Gecko, How Much Handling Can He Take?


New Member
Fort Collins Colorado
Hi all,

I just got my first gecko about a month and a half ago. When I first got him, I was very eager to handle him, but I had to let him acclimate. I dove right in after a few days, and I decided to look up bonding so I could do my best. I didn't know that the babies drop their tails when they are scared.

The point of all this is, I am now super scared to handle my leo, because I don't want his tail to fall off. How do I know when to stop? I have held my hand flat on the bottom of the cage for hours at a time, and he has crawled on me a bit. If he starts to stand on his toes I back off, because I know that means he is scared. what I want to know though, is this: Do I have to stop going for him when he stands up on his toes like that, or can I keep going? How do I know when his tail is in danger? when he hisses? if he tries to bite? He hasn't hissed or bit me and he will eat from my hand and I just want to know what my next step is. I know not to corner him and such I just want to know when to leave him alone and when to keep trying.


New Member
Abbeville, SC
I just put my hand in the tank palm up for a few minutes and wait for my leos to climb up. If they dont i leave them alone for the rest of the day and try again a day or two later


How old is he? I start handling my babies from day one. I have never had a drop tail. With both hands, scoop him up, and let him walk from one hand to the other. Keep your hands low in the cage floor, so if he jumps, he will not get hurt. Do this every evening, until he starts to climb toward you. At this point, he is not afraid, and ready to explore. Sit on the floor, and do the same thing. In no time, you will have a eager little boy, waiting for you to get him out.

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New Member
Buffalo, New York
Yes hold everyday. What I do with new borns or new geckos is hold them everyday for maybe 10 to 20 min but if they really keep running away from you then I'll put them away and when they sit on me longer or don't go very far from me I'll hold them longer and it seems to work for me. Doesn't take long to tame a leo as long as your consistent and don't push to hard and force holding them when they really really don't wanna be you just have to learn when they wanna be left alone or they r just being nervous is all.

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New Member
Fort Collins Colorado
Hi all:)
I am having a much easier time handling my little guy. I have started introducing my hand while he is feeding, so now he knows that if my hand is in the tank, he is gonna get some food. I think this has really helped him associate my hand with positive ideas. Today we made our biggest bound, he was closing his eyes and content leaned back in one of my hands. he let me stroke his back even. Next step, sexing!

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