First leo tank critique


New Member
I have started to prep for the arrival of my leo, it will be my first reptile, I have kept freshwater aquariums for over 30 years, and have successfully kept marine and reef aquariums, I dont think a leo would be any harder than a reef tank. This is a 10g tank, UTH on the right side, humid hide half on half off the UTH. Substrate is 4" terra cotta tiles, and I am going to ad some large pieces of driftwood. I formed the background out of 3inch styrofoam, using the tools in the other pic, I got the hot wire cutting knife at Michaels, hope that tip on my tools will help someone on their tank, I covered it with sanded tile grout, I still need 1 more layer of grout, then will apply several layers of satin clear acrylic sealer, I will make a rock formation cover for the humid hide like the background, I want to go for a natural look. I have some questions before I finish this off, is the humid hide big enough for an adult, I will be purchasing an adult. I think its is if they curl up inside it, do they? The background provides alot of climbing space, will the gecko use it? Do they like to climb? The relief in the background is around 2 " .The hides are in the corners under the background, will that work okay? I dont know if you can see it in the pic but both side hides protrude out about 7" from the back of the tank, are 5" wide and the space from the tile to the bottom of hide is about 1 and 3/4". I have started to breed mealworms, that will be their primary diet with crickets once a month. Hygrometer and 2 thermometers, each side. I look to the experts for help, as I want to give my newest pet the best possible care.


New Member
Raleigh , NC
Really cool job on the foam background. I like what you have done but IMO 10 gallon tanks are a bit small for full grown Leos (I know a lot of people use them)


Happy Gecko Family
That looks great! I think your new gecko will have a good time climbing the background wall (yes, they like climbing).


New Member
An update, things have worked out well, I did get a juvenile, we are 5
days into our new adventure together, he/she has explored every
crevice of the palatial estate :) I know my housing is kinda small on
floor space, but I think that is made up with the vertical climbing
surface area that I provided. I was suprised that my new buddy could
squeeze into such tight spaces, I do think buddy, ok I'll go with that
name, until I can determine sex, is a bit lazy, prefers dead crickets
over live ones, and hasnt ate a mealworm yet, my fish gobble them up
quickly, I get that, maybe buddy is like me, lazy when I want to be, is
that normal behavior? Is individualistic behavior a trait of leos? Bud
likes to hang out most of the time on the warm side, over the UTH , or
in the humid hide, maybe my temps are too cold? gradient is 75 to 95


New Member
Progress made, Bud ate 2 mealworms from my fingertips, I am trying to stay consistent about my hand scent when I place them in the tank. Seems to have worked.


St. Augustine, Florida
After time passes your Leo will get to know you when it sees you. It will associate you with food. Just be sure to give your Leo about a month to settle in good before trying to handle him/her.

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