First Leopard Gecko Need Help...


New Member
New Orleans, LA
Hey Guys, I went to petco to buy Dog food and ended up getting a Leopard gecko. My grandmother bought me it for my birthday ( Oct. 19 I turn 19 ). I picked it up and got the supplies for it, Of course they didn't have the dang vitamins for it, So I had to go to two other petcos and a petsmart and none of 'em had the vitamins ( FML ). So I stopped at a local pet shop and all they had was with Vit D3, I think I also need the one without D3. Anyway I get home set everything up and I forget the dang lid for the cage ( FML, Once again ) LOL, I was so nervous I couldn't think straight I even forgot my phone number trying to tell the petco worker ( LOL ).

Anyway I know I'm going on and on ( BLAH BLAH BLAH )

Petco doesn't tell you the dang morph, So I need your help! can you help me with telling me the morph of this Leo!!!



Athens, GA
in case you don't know what shtctb is....

it an acronym that stands for super hypo tangerine carrot tail baldy.

check out the leopard gecko wiki website (just type it in google and youll find it) to see what all of that really means.

nice gecko btw, and welcome to the hobby!


New Member
New Orleans, LA
It's an shtctb

& it looks very healthy for a petco gecko!

Hey, What does SHTCTB mean?
I'm just learning the morphs myself!

Yeah, I thought it looked healthy also when I picked it. I was surprised!!!

The Girl working their was an *** H*** Because she grabbed it by the tail and I told her watch out the tail will fall off. She got a cocky tone with me and said no it won't Leopard Geckos don't lose their tales. ( Oh I almost when ghetto on her LOL!!! JK JK ) but it pissed me off, Because then she threw it in the box! O man I was pissed!


New Member
New Orleans, LA
in case you don't know what shtctb is....

it an acronym that stands for super hypo tangerine carrot tail baldy.

check out the leopard gecko wiki website (just type it in google and youll find it) to see what all of that really means.

nice gecko btw, and welcome to the hobby!

LOL! Thanks Sooo much! I'm going to check it out now!!!

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