First Shed!


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
I am curently watching my first leo's first shed, well at least since I got it 2 weeks ago. This is extremely interesting, but it almost looks like he is having trouble. I could also see it being very normal, I mean he is ripping a layer of skin off, but I don't really know what to be looking for. He is rubbing against everything, biting it off, scratching it off and at some points shaking like its really bothering him. Again, I have a feeling this is normal and I sound like an idiot, but I'de rather be safe than sorry. This is also exciting for me because usually when he sees me he runs right into his hide. How long should it take him?


It's pretty fun to watch huh??

I wouldn't bother it to much right now let it do it's thing and by morn you should be able tell if the shed was good or bad.

Sometimes mine don't get it off the toes or tips of the tail even the head! So just give a warm soak or get a q-tip wet and rub it off gently.


Wally - Supreme Gecko
Sussex, WI
GeckoMandi said:
It's pretty fun to watch huh??

I wouldn't bother it to much right now let it do it's thing and by morn you should be able tell if the shed was good or bad.

Great advice. The gecko should shed on its own (sometimes they eat the shed). It may take a couple of days so be patient. If shed remains on any part of the body, do not attempt to take it off yourself. I usually spray the enclosure (not the gecko). Make sure the enclosure drys out after about 4-5 hours though.
Keep us posted.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
Well, I am going to fix some things in the tank when I get back from the store, but I did see him very early this morning. It was still dark and I try not to get close to him, but from what I could see, it looked like a good shed. Back to his nice bright colors :). I will make sure to check his toes, head, and tail when I get him out tonight. Thanks for the help! I'll let you know the verdict later on...


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
Ok, so I checked my leo. No skin on the tail, no skin on the toes. He has a small flake on the tip of his nose; kinda mades him look like a rhino haha. It looks like it will fall off at any second, so great shed! I feel much better now about his health and the humidity in his tank. Phew!


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
In my experience a good shed will be done in 24 hours; any time it lasts longer than that the gecko has had unshed skin left on them. Most of the time shedding problems occur due to lack of humidity.

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