Alright its kinda weird that i have a spider, if you know me at all you would know im deathly afraid of them and so is myboyfriend. Well one of our friends came over one day talking about his tarantulas and my boyfriend got curious, and as he got curious I got scared. We went to ***** the next day to get rat food and they had a very small rose haired sittin in the corner of a tank that little kids were tapping on.
So we went over and asked to look at her, all three of us me, my boyfriend and the guy who worked at ***** would not put our hands in there. My boyfriend finally got the courage to touch one of her legs in she got in a defensive pose. So anywho we ended up leaving with her, my boyfriend got over his fear of holding her pretty quickly, me on the other hand had to convince myself it was a dwarf hamster and i named it Wuzzy to try and make it sound cute.
So we have had her for about a month and ahalf now, im not sure that she has eaten yet. Im over my fear of handleing her completly now I want to all the time especially since im pretty sure my boyfriend has lsot interest in her.Iv definitly gained interest but i was told not to handle her to much right now until she settles in. Any tips? I wanna hold her but I dont want her to stress out and not eat.
So we went over and asked to look at her, all three of us me, my boyfriend and the guy who worked at ***** would not put our hands in there. My boyfriend finally got the courage to touch one of her legs in she got in a defensive pose. So anywho we ended up leaving with her, my boyfriend got over his fear of holding her pretty quickly, me on the other hand had to convince myself it was a dwarf hamster and i named it Wuzzy to try and make it sound cute.
So we have had her for about a month and ahalf now, im not sure that she has eaten yet. Im over my fear of handleing her completly now I want to all the time especially since im pretty sure my boyfriend has lsot interest in her.Iv definitly gained interest but i was told not to handle her to much right now until she settles in. Any tips? I wanna hold her but I dont want her to stress out and not eat.