First time females



I know some of you know this has been my first breeding season this year, and so far I have only paired one first time female and male.

Well I was just curious how many eggs you all have got from first time females, and how many times you bred them? Also how many have been fertile and not. I know with first timers it can vary I have read 2 eggs to 6 eggs. This would be hard to keep up with some of you, I know because you have a lot more geckos and breeding going on than I do, lol.

So far this year I have got 4 clutches, 1 infertile egg.

She laid 2 more eggs yesterday, a month apart from her last clutch.
Oakland, CA
In my experience with First Year Females... I have gotten 4 - 5 clutches per Female. They were housed with a male for the whole season. One out of eight New Breeding Females this year has had an infertile clutch so far. All of my females that are on their Second Year of breeding have laid some HUGE eggs this year [which turned into 4g - 4.5g hatchlings]. Their weight has only increased by ~ 10 grams and their supplementation/feeding routine has not changed. They are even being bred to the same male. I am not complaining. though. ;)


New Member
Seminole, Fl
I've got first year females here too-bred in Jan start.
#1-2 fertile on 1/21 fertile clutch, 2/20 2nd clutch fertile, 3/20 3rd clutch infertile. I bred her after the second clutch and just again after the last one the other day.
#2 female-1/28 1 fertile, 1 infertile, 2/23 fertile clutch, 3/23 fertile clutch-so she's laying approx a month apart as well and has one infertile so far. I did breed her again as well after the second one-giving both gals a chance to rest of course before breeding.
I'm also keeping an eye on thier calcium and supplements due to our huge egg loss last year with bad calcium-at least that's what we think and some other breeders had the same issue with the brand.
Last year I had a second yr breeder who laid approx every 2 weeks-the first clutch being a month after breeding.


LizardThing Geckos
Breeding results so far...

I have 5 females breeding- all first time breeders.
Begining in early January, there were two females laying at the same time. Because of 'postponed introductions', other females are at intervals of a few weeks later, successively.

For the most part, it was roughly 3-4 weeks until the first clutches of each.
And second clutches were about 3 weeks after then later clutches are at 14-15 day intervals.

As of this week I am experienceing possible 'slowdowns', my eclipse just laid one single egg today, and my sunglow doesn't appear to be carrying any eggs, when she has been by this time. These two were the ones laying on the same schedule.

I've had several issues so far:
I missed the first clutch of the sunglows, completey.
I wasn't paying attention to how I introduced them, and never saw the first clutch until the second was found.

I have a male mack snow het raptor which is breeding with a jungle stripe female, and also a normal female, each of these laid only one egg for the first clutch, since then the normal female has laid a second clutch of two eggs. The jungle stripe's egg was just laid last week, so we'll see.

I have had the first four clutches all hatch successfully, But, I am suspect of the single mack snow x normal egg being infertile...

I have a lot of eggs incubating...I think the waiting is the hardest part..
(or did i hear that in a song?)lol

hope this was helpful...

I am actually wondering now if my two females that seem to have slowed have done so because they are not with the males, or if it's just 'their time'...i may re-introduce them again since it's been a few weeks..


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