I just picked up my first Gargolye gecko this past Sunday, from Mike at Alpha Geckos. It happens to be a black & white. Does anyone have any tips?:main_huh:
just forewarning, you're going to get a lot of replies stating you should research an animal before acquiring it.... and have it's setups already done before you get them home... just fyi lol other than that, i'd check online for a few places or pangea etc for howto's and care guides.. they're a lot like a crested gecko in care, they eat a bit more insects..
gargs are pretty fun..lol but yeah hopefully you did your research beforehand! Same care as a crested, no heat or special lighting needed. They also eat CGD. Gargs are known to be more aggressive then cresties, honestly my gargs are not. They are more fiesty then cresties though, some will gently nip if you do something you dont like, vast majority will poop on you when taken out, dont know why, 2 of my 4 gargs do it, it is simply a garg thing. They normally prefer slightly larger prey items over smaller. And they prefer more vines/branches. Cresteds prefer lots of leaf cover, which the garg do to, but you will notice they are more apt to be hanging out in the branches then in the leaf cover.