First Time Gecko Owner



Hi, I'm new to the boards and also a first time gecko owner. My little leopard gecko, Meepo, has been part of the family for probably about 6-8 months or so now. At first he was doing really well, we feed him gut loaded crickets and we'd have a blast watching him hunt them. A few months ago, he dropped his tail and well he just hasn't been the same since. The biggest problem we've noticed is he has problems moving. His tail has begun to grow back but it is much stumpier than it used to be. His problem doesn't appear to be with the tail though. He seems to be having problems with his legs. His legs are very rubbery and he seems to have difficulty walking on them. He just kinda drags himself along. This makes it very difficult for him to feed because he seems to be having trouble catching the crickets now. I'm really at a loss as to what to do, we've tried feeding him mealworms but he won't touch them. I also don't know why he's having mobility problems.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
What are the suppliments you are providing for him? Do you keep calcium in his viv at all times? Sounds like a case of MBD. You'll want to correct his calcium intake and get him to a herp vet for some liquid calcium.


Until recently I wasn't aware I had to give him additional calcium supplements besides what I was gutloading the crickets with (a calcium rich supplement called Fluker's) Now I am also keeping a little dish of calcium powder as well and am going to start dusting the crickets in the calcium power as well. I've begun to feed him by hand and he is quite willing to take crickets I offer him. Looking more closely at his mobility issue, his biggest problem seems to be with his front right leg, he doesn't seem to be walking on that particular leg properly he keeps it bent in in kind of a "U" and walks on the leg itself and not the foot. Is it possible he could have injured or broken that leg? If so what should I do?


Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
What you are describing are classic symptoms of Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) from calcium deficiency. You may not be able to reverse the damage, but you certainly can prevent it from progressing. A trip to the vet would be in order, and perhaps he/she can prescribe liquid calcium to help get your gecko through this.

You are in the right place here at for help getting YOU through this, too...


New Member
I would take him to a vet. It does sound like MBD. Can you tell us a bit about how he is being kept? Substrate, temps?


New Member
I would definitely say it's MBD, especially because he hasn't been getting calcium thus far. If you want to save him, take him to the vet before it's too late. This disease will eventually kill them if not taken care of properly.

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