first timer


New Member
cattasauqua, pa
ok so i pretty sure my female has eggs and is gonna lay soon. i just put a laying box in for her tonight. i was wondering if she does lay eggs in there before i get an incubator ( i am short on cash and want to be certain before i get one) if the eggs would stay in the laying chamber for few days if it possible to still hatch them. i have peatmoss in it for now, next time i can get to petco i plan to get eco earth. any help? thanks


I wouldnt keep them in there. I dont think they will last long. I dont have the cash eather i made one. I spend 15 dollors and works great so far.. The best time to get the eggs is 24-48 hrs. But im not really sure.


I would try and get incubator, and if you are not certain she is gravid search the forum and you will find great belly pics of eggs in the belly.


New Member
My first year breeding ball pythons I didnt think I was getting any eggs. I did i didnt have my incubator set up yet. I made one out of a 10 gal fish tank heres the link it worked good for me for the ball python eggs and those have to be close to 100% humidity. was cheap i had the tank already. Only thing i had to buy was the underwater heater. Now i use one of these made out of an old fridge. Im not breeding balls this year so i put a few gecko eggs in there. I got the fridge for free. I did have to buy the heat tape and i bought a helix to run it. With the ball python eggs i havent lost one yet using the fridge. One more thing the site with the fridge incubator he says he uses a cheap thermostat i would go with the helix or other brand of the same type not some cheap thing.
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