Fluctuating heat in tank


New Member
Hello. We just got our gecko on Friday, and the poor little guy has been through some changes since then. His previous living conditions were as follows: 10 gallon aquarium with screen top, 8W zoomed UTH duct taped to bottom of tank, vinyl tile substrate, moist hide on hot side, large water saucer, calcium supplement in small dish in terrarium, and fed 3-4 superworms daily. His previous owner mentioned that he never used the hide she had on the cool side, so she removed it, and that he pretty much stayed on the warm side all the time.

Here are the changes we've implemented based on the research I've done so far. Substrate changed to thin layer of sand with slate tile that covers the entire bottom of the terrarium (so he's not exposed to the sand at all). Hot hide on warm side, moist hide on cool side with fake terrarium plant to provide additional shelter. Smaller water dish and calcium dish. Switching to varied diet of crickets (gutloaded with variety of fruits, veggies and Fluker's calcium cricket quencher), superworms and mealworms.

I've also placed a digital thermometer with a probe that I've used in the past with my birds and have found to be very accurate. We retaped the heatmat, but I'm noticing that my thermometer is reading a big variety of temperatures. I have it positioned at the back of the tank at the bottom, and we've been getting readings of 71-80F. When I held the probe to the vinyl tile substrate under the hide, it read 91F. To feel the slate tile now, it's warmish on the hot side (maybe skin temperature) and hot under the hide. I'm concerned with the wide gradient of temperatures I'm getting and am wondering if I should replace the heatmat, get an over head lamp or both. I'd also like to get a thermostat set up so he has a consistent temperature. Our living room (where his tank is placed) can get quite cold during the winter and hot in the summer, so I'd like his tank to be regulated. Where can I get a thermostat that would work with the under tank heater?

Thanks in advance for the info.

Music City Geckos

New Member
It's the UTH. Those things are meant to be used as a one and done type deal. Once the original adhesive is gone you're going to lose conduction if heat in the tank. The warm side should be at 88-90 degrees. I suggest getting a new heat mat and thermostat as soon as possible. With your warm side only getting to 71-80 degrees could have an impact on your geckos digestion. Have you noticed any stools not fully digested? Getting a new UTH and thermostat will quickly fix that. Like I tell everyone else, "When it comes to pet supplies, Amazon is your best friend". Hope this helps, keep us updated.
I use a Hydrofarm/Jumpstart thermostat from Amazon which runs about $30. That's really the best place for thermostats. You don't want an overhead light, it will do you no good, just irritate and/or stress your leo. All they need is belly heat so it doesn't matter how cold your house gets :) So a new UTH is a must.


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
To clarify, the temperature of the floor surface should be around 90 F, not the ambient air temperature. The way to measure the floor temperature is to buy an infrared temperature gun or to get a digital thermometer with a probe and stick the probe flat on the floor.


New Member
I stuck the probe under his hide, and I've been getting temp readings of 85-93F now, but mostly hovering right around 90F. I'm trying to find the thermostat somewhere locally as I live in the country and ordering things online has proven to be a bit of a challenge in the past. When I get the thermostat, do I put the probe on top of the substrate, or on the heat mat under the tank? I'm also contemplating getting a halogen spot light (not an actual heater, but just a light) to help stabilize the ambient air temperature. His tank is located on our bookcase with quite a bit of space between it and the shelf above, so ventilation should be fine. Thoughts?

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