Food dish help!


New Member
So my gecko is just a baby, and I have switched him (or could be her) from crickets to mealworms. He doesn't have a problem eating these, as long as I put them right in front of him. He will completely ignore the food dish I have, which I keep mealworms in at all times. My question is, should I continue to basically handfeed him mealworms, or should I just leave them in the dish and hope he will eventually go after them? I feel like he's on the small side... maybe because he is just a baby, but his tail is pretty skinny, so I don't want to deny him food, but I don't know any other way to get him interested in his food dish.


New Member
So I looked at the homemade worm feeder you mentioned. I got a clear plastic container and a little knife and started sawing away little holes. Even put on a tv show to pass the time. (It is a thicker plastic, so took some time). By the end of my show, I had finished the container and was so pleased with myself. I immediately grabbed some mealworms and went to the terrarium.... only to find my little friend was eating out of his dish! Problem solved I suppose!

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