Food items, supplements, and dosage oh my!


New Member
New york
I am beginning to become confused with my gecko's diet. I currently feed my 4 leopard gecko only mealworms. I know plenty of people do. I have had to take my gecko to the vet because of illness. The vet says I should give him a more varied diet as it is better. I know it is but many breeders only use mealworms. Since I need to give him a more varied diet, what else should I feed? (I would prefer something that I could breed and preferably is easy to breed like mealworms). Also what should I feed my feeder animals to ensure my gecko gets all the correct vitamins and nutrients? What supplements should I give and how often? I have repcal with d3 and herptivite in a dish in his cage. I also dust the mealworms with both supplements.

SC Geckos

New Member
If you are looking for something else to breed for feeders i suggest dubia roaches. They are very simple to breed, the don't smell like crickets do, they don't fly or climb, and are all around great feeders. The only down side to them is an adult dubia is too large (IMO) to feed to a leo. I feed some of my adults to my beardie and my large tarantulas when I need to get rid of some adult roaches.
I feed my feeders (dubias and mealies) carrots, apples, greens, and a groung up mix of dog and/or cat food and fish flakes.
I vary my leos diet a few time a month with dubias, crickets, and a few wax worms. There main diet is mealies.
Hope this helps.

SC Geckos

New Member
I use a bleach and water solution. About a (soda) cap full mixed with water in a 12oz spray bottle. I also use Green Works All Purpose Cleaner (which is 97% plant based) With either one I rinse the bowl unitl I can't smell the cleaner anymore. I also use glass candle holders for all my bowls so nothing can soak into them, cleaner or anything else.

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