The first ever hatchling of the year...and the first one for us, ever!
This baby is from a Nova x Giant Raptor pairing...We were a little concerned with the babies due to temp fluctuations, as mid-incbuation, we had to transport the eggs 4.5 hours.
We were delighted to see this baby perfect in every way. When I first opened the incubator, it was resting upside down, and we thought it was dead...a few prods and pokes, it really livened up and is scampering all over the bin now.
As far as we can see so far, it's a little nova.
This baby is from a Nova x Giant Raptor pairing...We were a little concerned with the babies due to temp fluctuations, as mid-incbuation, we had to transport the eggs 4.5 hours.
We were delighted to see this baby perfect in every way. When I first opened the incubator, it was resting upside down, and we thought it was dead...a few prods and pokes, it really livened up and is scampering all over the bin now.
As far as we can see so far, it's a little nova.