Frogs or Toads? in my backyard pond... DUW


New Member
Canandaigua, NY
Was out in my yard opening up tent caterpillar nests(we have a bit of an infestation so this is one of our favorite pasttimes!:D) and thought I would take some pics of the frogs/toads mating in our pond.

Just a pic of part of our yard, we have about 8.5 acres... also have a dandelion infestation but its actually kind of pretty.

The pond... pretty decent size. Supposed to be 8 feet deep in the middle( the pond is kind of cone shape with the end cut off) but I dont know if that is when the water level is high or low. Water level is high right now.

There are 2 grass carp in the pond, they are probably 3 feet long. Also a bunch of small mouth bass, probably a couple dozen or so. They have babies every year and the way our pond is set up we dont get any water fowl so a fair amount survive. You may be able to see the little things coming out of the water are little frog/toad heads.

I havent actually determined what they are so if anyone wants to identify these frogs/toads be my guest. At this moment my best guess is American Toad. We get miiiillllliiiiooooooonnns of tadpoles and little baby frogs/toads every year. I think they are toads because they do wander a fair amount away from the pond.
I discovered the honeymoon suite ;)





I also see there are 2 different kinds of eggs. I think the long strings with the black stuff in them are the frog eggs but I also found these rounded clumps of eggs. Some had stuff in them some didnt. Might be a different kind of frog or maybe fish eggs?(the eggs I am talking about are in the middle of the photo on a stick)


New Member
Athens, GA
The egg masses could also be spotted or Jefferson's salamanders as well. They breed as early as March in New York and will even travel across snow to get to ponds. It's a little late for them, but yeah, you might have salamanders around too!

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