Frustrated with UTH..what am I missing!?


New Member
Ok so I got a second set-up for clyde off of you suggestions to seperate Bonnie and Clyde for safety...same set-up and brands 20gl Long with Zoo Med 10-20gal 24wt UTH repti bark thin layer over UTH Zoo med digital probe thermometers. I put pics up on this post of the tank stand and pics of probe position and temps.

Here is the issue Clyde's hot side is perfect 99 degrees when apartment is 69degrees and maybe 92 at night when my apartment is 62. but Bonnies tank remains at no more then 85-87. I went out and bought a new UTH and a rheostat figuring maybe I had a bum UTH and the rheostat for better control. 24hours later STILL temp is 87 degrees even with me taking all bark and replacing with papertowel over UTH. I am so sure this is the reason why Bonnie is off food..she's too cold!

What suggestions from you all?? UTHs available at my local reptile specialty store are zoo med, zilla, exo-terra. does anyone know which brand out of above is better. Or maybe something Im doing wrong that my UTH doesn't seem to work.

My other thought is that Clyde's UTH is working better because his tank is close to the ground keeping the heat in..and Bonnie's tank is open under it! But thats what that stand was made for so its irritating that its affecting my UTH's effiency!

Bonnie's tank is top/Clyde's is bottom!

Thanks in Advance!
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