Future crestie owner!


New Member
Hello! I'm new here and hopefully within the next two or so weeks I'll have a crested gecko(hopefully a male pinstripe or flame). This will be my second reptile as you can see in my signature , I already have a bearded pygmy chameleon and he is the most amazing thing ever! I've looked into geckos before but now it's my christmas present so I've gone more in depth with the research. This is not an impulse buy as I have made sure that I can take care of a crestie. Soon I will order a complete 12x12x18 exo terra kit with everything from NEherpetoculture to make a living viv. I'm hoping to pick up the gecko at the reptile super show this January in pamona. Also If anyone knows a reputable breeder that will be vending there, could you leave their name? I'm not trying to be cheap but I want a gecko under $100 which I know is quite a bit to ask but I don't really need a super intricate one. My main question is, do females require different care than males. After all my research, I can't answer that. Also, Do females lay infertile clutches like chameleons do? This is the reason why I want a male, but if it's no different than I'll be open to either sex. I know it's long but that's my intro! Any tips and advise is greatly appreciated, thank you!
(btw, I'm the same qdude46 from chameleon forums, so say something if your on their to)


New Member
Also, before I purchase it, is a 12x12x18 exo terra big enough, i know a lot of people say to get a 20g but others say it's enough and I'm really confused. If et bigger is better but could a crestie live a happy life in 12x12x18?


Ridgewood, NJ
Sorry you didn't get a quick reply! Sometimes the folks with crestie knowledge are a bit sparse around here as this is mainly a leo forum. I am no expert but recently got an adult male and he seems to do fine in the 12x12x18 exoterra. Males tend to be a bit smaller than females so it should be okay as long as he's not super big (mine is about 38g). Males also tend to be a bit cheaper than females of similar quality so I think you can find a nice adult male for $75-$100. Babies in that price range tend to be nicer quality but it can be hard to be sure which sex you have until they're 20 or sometimes even 25g (tho it's pretty rare to have one not show pores until that size). I think having a female there is always a risk they may lay infertile eggs but it shouldn't be super high if you don't have a male in your home.

Good luck and hope you find the perfect one and post lots of pictures soon!

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