Garter snake or other non-mice eating snakes?

neubauer geckos

Anthony Neubauer
I would really like to keep snakes,but my mom is against killing rodents(idk why,my cat does it all the time:main_huh: )Anyways,I am attracted to Garter snakes for the reason most others are:because I heard that they can be kept without feeding mice or only an occasional mouse.Is this really true?On snakebytes,Brian said they can be kept without feeding mice.Would it be possible to keep one or a breeding pair healthy and thriving without feeding mice more than once every couple of months?And what would I feed it.I have been doing research,and have heard that fish(if frozen for more than 30 days and non goldfish or other fish containing thaimanise(spelling?)) and worms can be used.I would assume I would have to use some kind of calcium supplement as well.How would I administer that?Thanks for reading and any help.If they cannot be kept healthy like I have described,I will not get one as it's not fair to the snake.Also,if you could reccomend other snakes that can be fed something other than mice(other than maybe once every couple of months),that would be very helpful.I have kept Rough Green Snakes in the passed,but do not want to again as it is very hard to aquire them CB.Thanks!


Obsessed by reptiles...
Washington State
For garters, earthworms, slugs, and amphibians are good. Also, thiaminase free fish (thiaminase blocks the absorption of vitamin B1 and creates deficiency) like silversides, guppies and platies, dace minnows, bluegills. Steer clear from goldfish and rosy reds, as these are harmful to garters. Supplementing calcium is relatively easy. For anything you feed that does not have bones, a pinch of supplement on the end of foodstuff will be fine, in two week intervals. This would be a very good diet.

If you are serious about getting garters (which I recommend, they are wonderful snakes, and make the best pets), then take a visit to Its a garter snake forum with a lot of knowledgeable members, and I think you will find it very helpful.

I hope you found this helpful :). I love garter snakes, and wish my mom would let me keep a few as pets. There are some stunning species out there (my favorite, the Puget Sound Garter), and no shortage of captive bred specimens.



New Member
Garters or Ribbons are always good choices. My first snake was a ribbon snake. You could also consider Rough green snakes, as they're insectivorous.

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