Gecko acting odd


New Member
Bowling Green
Ok so I have 3 Leo's all female in a 20 gallon long tank. One of them seems to stay in nets that I've put up around the top of the tank. I got her out for some outside time and when I put her back in the tank she curled her tail up and sprinted up one of the hides and to the net.

I don't think there's any evidence of bullying from the other geckos and they seem to be fine on the floor of the tank. This particular gecko used to spend all her time on the ground but has grown fond of these nets.

Is this normal or just them being them, or could there be something wrong?

She eats regular and her movements are normal as well. Appears to be healthy on the surface.

Perhaps I'm overreacting, just wanna get other opinions.

Thanks all


New Member
The only true evidence other then hiding, lack of appetite and such is actual missing body parts when it comes to bullying. It's quite subtle. Best thing is to rule out the bullying is to seperate her from the others, give her a week to settle and see if it improves. What are your temps? :)


New Member
Oh I should note the curly tail is a defence. She is definitely scared of one of the others probably due to bullying. I missed that before I posted!


New Member
Bowling Green
She has lived with them for a year and interacted with them no problems or signs of this. Temps are good checked all that all around.

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Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
When it comes to keeping geckos together, you need to be prepared to separate at any time. Geckos can and do stop getting along. Just because they have been together for a year doesn't mean they will keep getting along forever or that they are getting along now. I agree with TigressSnow that there she is likely afraid of another gecko and is keeping to the places where she feels safe.

Not to mention, a 20 long is not big enough for 3 geckos. Bullying is very likely in this situation.

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Well no one here will tell you that. 10 gallons per gecko at least. It's up to you, as they are your geckos. But why come and ask for advice and then just come up with reasons not to take it?


New Member
The thing with bullying us if you don't seperate, her health will deteriorate as she will stop eating and stress will combine to slowly kill her. If you don't want to seperate, to each their own but she will eventually pass away.


New Member
Bowling Green
Let's not get defensive here I'm separating her today. I was merely explaining why I was in the setup so calm yourself down just a bit.

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Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
I'm not sure I would say it is a definite thing that she will stop eating and die. Some geckos keep eating even through stress. But I do think her quality of life would not be very good because she is stressed. My experience is that they don't always enjoy company. They're happier if they can get away from the others into their own space while still taking care of their basic needs.

I don't think anyone meant to come off as being defensive, so I apologize for my part. It is just my opinion.

I think your geckos will be happier with the proper amount of space. =) If you wanted to house them together again, you could get a 30 long and make sure you have 6 hides (two of each kind). Then, as long as the geckos are getting along, it would be perfectly okay.
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New Member
I don't understand how that came off defensive. It is my honest opinion, though I do seem to be off about the stress issue (I mixed it up with bearded dragons, they will starve themselves if stressed) I am lacking emoticons, perhaps. But I don't mean to be rude in any way, I am perfectly calm, and just want to help with your geckos. Is she any better since the separation? I will tell you a happy story. I have 2 inseparable geckos. It is my first Leo ever, Yuga (we lost his brother due to impaction, completely got rid of sand forever after that) and a girl we got without planning who shared his tank for 2 days when we got her. We had it sectioned off and she climbed over, and they just laid together. We set her up on her own and two months later we had a free 30 gallon tank, let them see each other in it and it has worked for is. They both eat great and I keep a close eye on them. She seems to have reproductive issues (she has never ovulated) and he is not interested at all. They just snuggle and are inseparable. It's been 6 months of cuteness and I always weigh and monitor feeding sessions. They have 5 hides and a second floor. They are my babies :) it is a gamble and I know it probably won't work for the rest of their lives but that is why I keep a close eye. Weekly weigh ins and such :) I hope the other two girls keep chugging along for you and stay happy together.

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