Gecko Book



I'm looking a good, basic, everything you need to know about leopard geckos type of book. Any recommendations?


Hi Kristi. I have three books so far about geckos...still on the search for the perfect one for me. I too have been looking for a good all around book that tells you about the history, care, feeding, raising-breeding-incubating and caring for sick geckos. IMO there is a book called "The Leopard Gecko" by Lyle Puente and it is a good general book. A more comprehensive and "technical book" is "The Herpetoculture of Leopard Geckos" by Philippe de Vosjoli and Ron Tremper. They each offer something that the other doesn't. The third one I found was called "Geckos-A complete pet owner's manual" by Barron's. It's ok, but the other two were more of what I was looking for. I haven't found the herpetoculture of Leopard Geckos anywhere mine on Amazon. The other generic books you can find at Petsmart or PETCO. Hope this helps....everyone will have their opinion on what is the best book. It seems to me it takes a combination of books to get everything one is looking for.


ONe more thought...EBAY has lots of books for a cheap price. Herpetoculture is $39.95 and the books on ebay are anywhere from $3 to $9 or so. You can afford to buy a few and check them out. Good luck

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