It's pretty hard to tell when they're this young, but I'm going to go ahead and guess the second one: a normal? It really is hard to tell, sorry, but your second one reminds me of my Sonny He has that same yellow circle on his back and that's why I named him Sonny, it looked like a sun xD I thought he was a normal as well, but now I'm starting to think he's a carrot tail because I see some orange coming in on the top part of his tail and his body is becoming more yellow. So yea, sorry I couldn't help. Cute geckos though! I love their round eyes and triangle head xD
Yea I cant really get better pics due to they are not mine right now someone wants to trade me them for my super snow. I don't know what I should do.I think they are normals but im not good at geckos lol.
Oh, well I'm pretty sure the second one is a normal or high yellow because of the solid black, but as I said before you can't be sure until their sub-adult/adult maybe juvies. Those are pretty much babies I think. I'm no expert either, so I wouldn't trust everything I say if I were you, to be honest xD But I don't think that first one is a normal, I'm 99.99% sure because it's sorry I couldn't help that much! Maybe you can go on the "before and after pics" stickie and try to compare other leos and what they turned into.