Gecko morphs


New Member
Hi guys. I'm new to this app and I'm pretty sure you guys get this a lot. So I need help with these morphs. I have all the info from the parents. I'm still learning the morphs and genetics so if you could help me out then that would be great!

1. Female
Father: electric tangerine
Mother: Firefox cross

2. Female
Mother: giant patternless het tremper
Father: Ember

3. Male
He's from an ember and patternless combination. The breeder says he's not het for anything. He's also giant.




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Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Are you asking what morphs they are based on the genetic information provided? That's what I'm going to assume and my answer will be that.

Okay, let's see... Electric Tangerine and Firefox are names of specific lines of tangerines. So your female is a super hypo tangerine carrot tail baldy (Electric Tang x Firefox). Did the breeder say if she had any hets or not?

Your first male is ember x giant patternless het tremper. So ember = Patternless, Eclipse, Tremper x giant patternless het tremper. I'm guessing the second to last picture is him? If so, I would say he is a tremper patternless het eclipse. I'm not going to comment on the giant part because there is controversy about the genetics behind giants and I don't work with giants. Many people think that there is a difference between a true giant and just a big leopard gecko. I'm also pretty sure that "giant" is polygenic and not inherited repressively (some people will say different, but it is my opinion that it's polygenic).

Your last male is an ember. Ember already has patternless in it (it is a patternless RAPTOR) and the pictures do suggest a patternless tremper eclipse.
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