Gecko not eating + Smell


New Member
Hello, i am a new gecko owner since 14th march, i bought a complete setup from a local reptile shop (not +++++ or any big chain) Some of the instructions i was given go against what i have been reading on this forum and other forums. This is Shylows setup, She is 6 months old according to the guy at the pet shop.


When i bought this setup it came with different substraight, it was wood chip. I have since changed that to slate. Anyway this was the instructions i was given.

Light on 12 hours Daily - Should this not be left on 24/7 ?
Day Temp 80-86 Night 68-72 - Should this not be around Day 95 Night 80 ? I have ordered a temp gun because the temp gauge is just useless imo but that says the temp is 31C
Fresh water Daily - That's a given
Spray Moss Every Other Day, Except when in shed spray daily - I am using paper towels as he didn't have any moss in stock at the time and would give it to me when i next come back.
Feed 4-6 Crickets twice daily - She has barely ate anything since i got her, she didn't eat anything for the first few days, then she started eating locusts, she wont touch crickets, and she has ate some mealworms, but she chucked some of them up again, along with some wood chip from the old substraight, and hasn't eaten since, that was 5 days ago now.
Spot Clean Daily - Yes
Change Substraight Every 3 months - Will just wash slate
Dust live food with Nutrobal - I have been dusting the locusts and mealworms with it.

Also she had a little bit of diarrhea and the tank smell is really bad since that, i cant get rid of the smell at all. Worried that she is not eating, but i have seen her drinking from her water bowl.

Is there anything i can do to get her to eat she has lost some weight since i got her.
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Ridgewood, NJ
I don't use lights I prefer under tank heat (UTH). It provides more natural heat that will keep your leo healthy long term. I leave my UTHs on 24/7 and aim for a floor temp about 90 day and night. I leave a precise number of mealworms (usually 10) in an escape proof bowl and count them every day to see if my new leos are eating if they are shy.

The poo of healthy leos smells briefly while it is fresh but should dry out quickly and stop smelling (mostly - it is poo after all). If you think it smells a lot or if you can smell it when you're not directly over the cage I would bring a fecal sample to a vet and/or get your leo tested for crypto by Avian Biotech: Avian Services Center: DNA sexing and disease testing for all species of birds.. Sometimes if a disease or parasite infection is present it may not show itself until the stress of a new environment or less than ideal conditions are present.


New Member
Just cleaned her tank out so took some pics of her

WP_20140325_16_30_29_Pro.jpg WP_20140325_16_30_53_Pro.jpg WP_20140325_16_33_23_Pro.jpg WP_20140325_16_34_01_Pro.jpg WP_20140325_16_34_11_Pro.jpg

I was looking at getting a UTH but i am not sure if it would be ok in a wooden viv, and would it go under the tank or in it.

leopard love

New Member
Under the tank nd can find something to hold the tank above the wood surface. The most air the heat mat has under it the better to prevent fires or over heating

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New Member
I agree with DrC (as

1) Belly heat from a floor heat source is vital..overhead lights are then not necessary.

2) Not eating, smelly poops, regurgitation, and previously on woodchip = "trip to vet". High probability of parasites and/or impaction (stomach blockage). Both are fatal if treatment is not attempted.

:( Best of luck! :(


New Member
Bit of an update, she has been eating now for over a week, not eating a whole lot, about 5 mealworms and 1 or 2 waxworms, she just isn't interested in locusts no more (have left one of them in the tank)

The smell has gone now, i used a product called Deep Clean by beaphar.

Her poo is normal now, she seems very content, but i just don't think she is eating enough though she has put on a little bit of weight, she has went from 24 to 25g in a week.


New Member
Her poo is normal now, she seems very content, but i just don't think she is eating enough though she has put on a little bit of weight, she has went from 24 to 25g in a week.

1gram is about the weight of 1 (maybe 2) crickets. It is very hard to tell if she gained a gram or just has a little more food currently inside her.

based on previous symptoms, I would take her to a vet. I've learned from experience that they are not good symptoms. :(

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