gecko pooping every 15 days


New Member
First of all i want to say that English is not my native languege and i will try do describe my problem as much as I can so if you dont undarstand something fell free to ask me and i will try to explain it in other way. The main problem is that here in my country we dont have a special vet for reptiles and i can't get my gecko to someone who's seeing a live gecko for 1st time and to expect that he can help me. So I'm hoping that i will get some advice what i can do. Here is the problem:
So my gecko is 6 months old and i have it for the last 4 months.For the last two months my gecko start to poop every 15th day(i counted it for the last 3 times and it was exact on the 15th day). When I get it it was poopping every day. He is on a paper towel and when the problem start he was eating just mealwormd dusted with calcium and vitamins. So at the begging i thought that it can be some sort of inpaction from the mealis, but then he pooped. For the last month he was eating just crickets but the problem remains.When i offer food to him he's not refusing it but in this period when he's not pooping he's eating around 3-4 times(i dont want to force him to eat more just because he keep that for 15 days). The tempriture is 30 C (~88 F (im not so sure))during the day and around 25 C (~80 F) during the night. If there's something to add just ask and i will do it as soon as i can.
Here is a picture how he's looking at the moment:

Thanks in advance and i hope that there will be someone that can help me.
good 'ol AL :/
Okay. I'm not sure if I can be as much help as you need, but I'll try. (lol) :)

Okay first off, I know that 15 days is not normal. (lol) I think all of our geckos will go about every other day or so and eat usually about 4-5 times a week.
As far as the set up goes: I know that you need to be careful with paper towels. There was actually a post on here only a few days ago where a lady's gecko ate part of the paper towel and she was worried about prolapse, so that may have happened. I'm not sure if you watch him the entire time he eats. I know that we had a similar problem a few months back and we switched to coco fiber for substrate and have had no further issues. I know that some people use tile as well and love it! :)
I know that temperature also plays a role in digestion with most reptiles as well, so he should have a cool side and a warm side to help with this. We keep our warm side at about 90 degrees F and cool at about 80-85 degrees. (I would put this into C for you, but I honestly stink at converting temps from one unit to the other. lol.) There needs to be a hide on each side as well with moisture to aid in shedding.
When he does finally go is he acting like he has trouble or that it hurts him to go in any way? (jw) I think that I have heard of people giving their geckos a very small amount of mineral oil. I may be wrong in that, so someone please correct me if I am. I know we had to give it to our monitor before and we were told by our herp vet it was okay to use in leopard geckos that have problems going, but herp vets don't really know as much as they should it seems. (lol)

But, neways. I hope that I have helped some and good luck!! :)


New Member
Well my main question is do i have to worry? Its beeing like that for two and half months and he's not loosing weight and he got even big the he was.
good 'ol AL :/
I would probably be worrying a little. Like I said, I'm not a vet or anything so I can't tell you everything you need to know, but that's definitely not normal and if he keeps going that way then it could lead to some problems. Take our Savannah monitor for example. He started going less and less, even though he was growing and seemed to be otherwise okay, but when we took him to the vet it turned out that he had a urilith in his stomach that was blocking his digestive tract and he had to have $700 emergency surgery to have it removed. Keep in mind that Savannahs and Leos are two COMPLETELY different lizards, but it could end up causing problems that are more severe than you realize if he's not regulated. Personally, I would try to give him a TINY bit of mineral oil to lubricate him a little bit. You can find it in the laxative section at pretty much any store. (Though I'm not sure where u live.) I've never used it on a leo before, but our herp vet said that it was okay to use in minimal doses. That may help him go normally and regularly. :)

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