Gecko pooping in a different place


New Member
A few things have happened in the past 3 weeks -

Leo shed her skin
Hurt her leg, was limping
I changed the substrate from reptile mulch to slate tile
limp continued, so I took her to the vet last week (Wed), and vet gave her 1 dose of antibiotic (leg was swollen), and 1 dose of a parasite med.

I left a little tray of the mulch in the corner she usually poops and she was using it up until 2 days ago. (easier to clean). The last 2 days she has now been pooping in a different place, nearer to her food bowl.

Is this normal? She is still eating her mealworms, but has gone off the crickets the last few days.

Could it just be stress? Has anyone had this happen before?



New Member
I wouldn't worry too much about the location of where she's pooping, as long as the poop looks normal and she continues to eat something. Sometimes they just switch location, and some will just poop wherever they feel like on a day to day basis. Perhaps she's decided that she just liked pooping on the tile better than the mulch... who knows lol.

As for going off the crickets, I wouldn't worry yet. It's like eating your favorite food everyday, sometimes you just get sick of it and need a break for a little while. I'd say as long as she's eating some sort of feeder, then you're doing fine.

I'm not too worried about the leg, since you did take her to the vet. I wonder how she managed to hurt it, but I'm sure she's on the mend. Has the swelling gone down?


New Member
Ok, good to know this is normal.

Yes, the swelling has gone down, although she is still limping slightly. Vet also took an X ray, and nothing is broken. She either strained herself while shedding (I noticed the limp the day after she shed), or she may have been bitten by a stray cricket I left in the tank.

I remove ALL uneaten crickets now after about 15 mins.

Otherwise the poop looks normal....and she is eating mealworms :)


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