Gecko question.


New Member
Do six month old geckos enjoy exercise in the bath tub?
I found mine did not want to run around. Maybe, it is because it`s day time around 3pm. They are nocturnal I have read.
I am curious how much exercise they require to be healthy. What times to exercise them. Currently, it`s set up is small.
30CMX20CM (12" by 8") with a little cave. The lady at the pet store said in another year we should obviously upgrade to a large space. I would really appreciate your thoughts on this. Thank you very much. Christopher.:main_thumbsup:

Embrace Calamity

New Member
Reptiles don't "enjoy" things. They don't possess that capacity. A leopard gecko will be more likely to be freaked out by being put in the bathtub than "enjoy the exercise." They need places to hide to feel safe, but a bathtub is just a giant open place waiting for something to eat it.

Don't listen to pet store people. They 99% of the time have no idea what they're talking about. Get a larger enclosure immediately as yours is way, way too small. What are your temperatures on the warm and cool side? If you have them there, get a 20 gallon long aquarium (30 inch x 12 inch x 12 inch). Then you need three hides, not one - a dry hide on the warm side, a dry hide on the cool side, and a humid hide in the middle.


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