Geckos see in what?

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I haven't read the thread above, but I would think that since they are primarily nocturnal and their eyes are not adapted for UV rays, they would only see in shades of black and white.


Evil Playsand User
Albuquerque, NM, USA
I'm not certain about other colors and I too have not read the links in the linked thread, but I do know my tokay and a few leopards will chase after the red laser pointer I use to torment, I mean play with our cats.

On a similar note, I was actually surprised to learn in my animal behavior class that certain bird species can see in UV to some degree. If memory is correct, a study was done with budgerigar (aka budgies, aka parakeets) regarding this.

I can't throw out specifics or cited info, but I do recall some species that we thought were traditionally color blind are actually able to see limited color within the visible spectrum, while others are capable of seeing in IR or UV. I believe a few diurnal insect species are capable of vision is at least 2 of the 3 light spectra I've mentioned.

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