Genetics Question


New Member
Hello everyone,

I'm one of those who researches before asking a question, and while I'm spending hours learning Leo genetics, this one is beyond my knowledge at this point. Could one of you geniuses let me know what I would/will receive from this cross?

Super Giant Tremper Albino male x Super Giant Mack Snow w/ 66% chance of Het Tremper Albino female

The aforementioned Mack Snow's parents are as follows: SG Mack Snow (male) x SG Mack Snow het Tremper Albino (female)

If crossing these two (SG Tremper albino x SG Mack Snow 66% het Tremper albino) isn't necessarily ideal, the only other males I have are:

SG Urban non-albino hypo tangerine carrot tail designer
Giant lavender striped Raptor
Giant Tremper sunglow

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
I highly recommend learning to use a morph calculator (or spending time learning to draw Punnett squares):
Leopard Gecko Genetics Calculator

You basically just need to work out two different pairings, one for if she IS het and one for if she ISN'T.

If she IS het for Tremper, you'll see some albino babies, which will prove out her 66% het and make her a confirmed het Tremper Albino.

Plug this scenario in to the reptile calculator as though she is het albino:
Male Genes: Tremper Albino: Tremper Albino, Giant: Super Giant
Female Genes: Tremper Albino: het Tremper Albino, Giant: Super Giant, Snows: Mack Snow

25% chance Super Giant HET Tremper Albino
25% chance Super Giant Mack Snow HET Tremper Albino
25% chance Tremper Albino Super Giant
25% chance Tremper Albino Super Giant Mack Snow

If she IS NOT het for Tremper (chance for het doesn't prove out), you won't see albino babies. Note that you may need to breed for multiple years to really confirm whether she is not het, as you don't always hit the odds right away.

Plug this scenario in to the reptile calculator by leaving out the het albino:
Male Genes: Tremper Albino: Tremper Albino, Giant: Super Giant
Female Genes: Tremper Albino: Wild Type, Giant: Super Giant, Snows: Mack Snow

50% chance Super Giant HET Tremper Albino
50% chance Super Giant Mack Snow HET Tremper Albino

So basically, all your babies will be Super Giant. Half your babies will be Mack Snow. And, either you'll get half Tremper and half het Tremper (if female IS het albino) OR you'll get all het Tremper (female isn't het albino).

Genetics primer:
The Learning Center - Genetics 101


66% het comes from a het to het pairing. Non carrier to het makes 50% het. All the babies would be SG with 25% non snow 25% super snow 50% snow. If the female is het Tremper then half will be albino and half non albino. If shes not het then they will all be het Tremper. These are only genetic statistics in writing how the line up in reality is not so simple.
It sounds like a good pairing. Good luck.

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