Ok I have a 90 gallon i think its 48"L 18"W and 24"T. I know its big enough but as for the food would it be possible to do all vegies. unless superworms would be ok thats all I have access to. Supplements? please any tips would be helpful.
BD's are NOT herbivores, they're omnivores, not iguanas, BD's, not herbivores, omnivores. Superworms are fine but a lot of people feed their beardies a variety, supers, roaches, crickets and sometimes pinkies. Your on the internet, do yourself a favor, go on google, and find like half a dozen care sheets, if none of them looks good enough, go find more.
they eat veggies and once they are older veggies make up about 70% of their diet.ut while younger you need to feed them about 75-80% live feeders. also when they are younger they can not process supers. you need to wait until your beardie is at least 12 or so inches long preferrably 15 but i started mine out at 12 inches. you just have to watch they feces to make certain that there arent shell pieces that arent being digested. if there are undigested pieces you need to imediately stop feeding supers due to the risk of impaction.
also you want to make sure that you coat your live feeders with calcium once a day for five days and a multivitamin once a day for 2 days. preferrably repcal calcium with d3 and rep cal herptivite. feel free to hit me up if you have any other questions.
BEardies are ideal for everyone that don´t want to buy to often feeders.
A friend of mine has 2 Breadies and he is feeding them on veggies and roaches.
He bought at a show a bunch of roaches to breed them.
Somehow(dunno how) he has never since bought any feeders^^. He breeds the roaches and has enought for his beardies.
when they are young they eat tons and i mean tons of live feeders
my beardie goes through 50-60 discoid roach nymphs a day. the live feeder needs to be shorter than the space between their eyes.