Getting my final goods.


Noob breeder
nineveh, ny
So I am first ally getting the rest of what I need for my rack system and am ordering most from Amazon tonight. Should be here early next week I hope. I Will have a few things in my possession tonight because I can get them right at Lowes but for the rest it has to be shipped. So excited To finally have my Leos in a proper enclosure and not ghetto rigged to keep them alive. Gotta love not doing enough research before hand and having the Guy who sold them to you say they were fine without heat.....just goes to show you never get anything without proper research!

Kevin Bullis


Noob breeder
nineveh, ny
Okay so I picked up all I could yesterday and I'm pleased to say they will be in perfect conditions by next week. I picked up a 4 tier rack, heat cable, aluminum tape, more tubs, more calcium/vitamins, more superworms, I ordered a temp gun and a hydrofarm thermostat, I picked up some eco earth for their humid hides, and a few other various things. I have the rack setup just waiting for the thermostat now. It looks good for my first. I was also given two eggs by my patternless yesterday. I don't have an incubator so I ghetto rigged something to hopefully produce some babies. If not there is always next year. I'm so proud of myself for gettinng everything on the straightened arrow. :)

Kevin Bullis

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