Getting my first Crested Gecko!


New Member
I'm new to the forum. Just joined like yesterday I believe lol. Maybe the day before. Finals have messed with my brain. I originally was planning on getting my first Crested Gecko in a few months when school gets out in May as I am a senior and will be done for good (with the exception of a few summer courses as I am just a few credits shy). However, I'm getting one this weekend. Probably tomorrow. The little guy or girl hatched November 25th so is just three weeks old. I work at a pet store so I am going to go shopping for everything it needs tomorrow after my shift and then drive down to pick it up.

A few questions - I know I need a kritter keeper to keep it in until it is bigger, but what is a good size? The large I am assuming, but just want to make sure. And vines and such for climbing and hiding. Also, what should I use for a food dish for a baby this little? And I have ordered some food with expedited shipping (I would have gotten it sooner had I known I was getting this little one so soon), but what should I use in the mean time?

Here is a picture if anyone can help with identifying what morph I would be highly appreciative. Thanks


New Member
Austin, Texas
I just looked over your questions and I can answer some (not a crestie expert but I want one so I've done research :p ). Most I know use little bottle caps, like soda, or water/milk caps for food containers.
As for food you can use CGD which is avaliable at the pet stores.

For vines, stop at your local dollar store or check out Michaels for them, they're a lot cheaper than at the pet store.

I'm not too sure about the Kritter Keeper, but I'm sure some others will be along shortly to chime in :)


Take me away Circle K
St. Louis
A relatively small keeper will do until the gecko gets bigger, small geckos tend to "get lost" in bigger aquariums. A keeper thats around 6x8, 8x10 should work fine until your gecko gets larger. It looks like a type of harlequin, pinstripe harlequin? Gosh I'm bad with morphs. It has pretty high contrast, people seem to like that.
You can try crickets, mealworms, wax worms(in moderation) and some fresh fruit such as mashed banana, peach, peeled grapes, apple, papaya, mango, berries, just NO citrus or pineapple. Don't fret too much, they can go a couple weeks and be okay without eating (not that they every should be put in that situation) so a couple days without CGD should be OK.
Also because I'm paranoid... I wouldnt trust anything from a dollar store for your lizard... you don't know what its coated with or made with and it might have some chemical or whoknowswhat that might prove to be toxic when your gecko licks it or eats off it. I'm just overly cautious and try to stick to stuff that I know for sure are safe.


Take me away Circle K
St. Louis
For food dishes Ive been using juice bottle caps that I've been having my coworkers save for me from work's demo station. (I work at a grocery store)
They've been working great, I dont have to clean anything, and I don't feel bad about throwing them away when im done because they would have been thrown away anyways!


Atlanta, GA
get the bigger taller kritter keeper i think its like 8 by 6 by 10 or some thing like that. u can get crested gecko diet cgd for short at most chain stores. and i would have to say its a flame. dont rly see any color on its side or legs. congrats on the cute little guy. u will enjoy watchign them jump around there cage. if u feed crickets which should only be done about once a week at most. this is the funniest thing to watch to me because they will sit there a crickets comign in site and they fling them selfs at the crickets its so cute and funny.


New Member
Thanks for the help everyone! Off to work soon and getting supplies. I get the alerts on my cell though, so I will still have time to get more supplies if a post is made while I'm working. :D


Atlanta, GA
cork board for the back of ur big cage is a good idea vines fo course a hide is always good and plunts fo plants and vines for hideign in and rungin around on


New Member
You can try crickets, mealworms, wax worms(in moderation) and some fresh fruit such as mashed banana, peach, peeled grapes, apple, papaya, mango, berries, just NO citrus or pineapple. Don't fret too much, they can go a couple weeks and be okay without eating (not that they every should be put in that situation) so a couple days without CGD should be OK.

I wasn't planning on feeding it tonight when I pick it up as it is bound to be stressed enough from the trip home. I could get a few crickets from work tomorrow and feed it those tomorrow. I've read that baby food can sometimes be used and we have plenty of that around, but I also read that after using that it can be hard to get a gecko to switch over to CGD? I can mash up some fruit until the CGD comes in and when I do have the CGD mix it in and gradually lower the amount in so he or she will take to the CGD


New Member
Baby NoNo is home. I've decided that is what it is going to be called until I find out what gender it is. No name, No gender = Baby NoNo lol. Although Baby NoNo will probably stick lol. It is sooooo teeny tiny. Probably the length of my thumb. Too cute. I put it in the tank, took a couple pics and am letting it settle in now.


Baby NoNo: (Any ideas as to the morph would be great :main_thumbsup:)



New Member
Flame works for me. Would it be a red flame?

I saw the parents of this little one and they're gorgeous! Nice, big, colorful and healthy. I saw some 3month old babies (not from the same parents) and they're not too much bigger, then some that were a year old and they're so much bigger. I can't wait to see it grow. It's just chilling out in some of the leaves. I wanna see it do something, but it's tired from it's long journey lol


Atlanta, GA
iv had my boi for about 2 months and there r times i can watch him for like a good 20 mins and there r other times were eh just kinda hides. when u feed him crickets will be a hilarious experience and im not sure about color. and yes eh probably is tired from his long journey. and in those two months one day he seems small the next it semmed like he grew a good inch over nite it was so awsome


New Member
Baby Nono and Mommy bonding time lol

(S)he loves the vines.

Do I have too much stuff in the tank? The breeder's set-up was much simpler and I've been looking at pictures of other baby tanks and they're much simpler as well. Should I take some things out?

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