Godzilla's pictures


Evergreen, Alabama
I got my new leopard gecko on Friday (the 14th). I was a little nervous about choosing one, I only knew the basics (look for a healthy looking animal, alert, fat tail, etc.) They all were healthy looking, and pretty young looking. I didn't see any that had the fat, chubby tail that I always see in pics.

I chose the one that seemed the prettiest to me, and who was also very alert and bright eyed. I thought about holding him as we drove home, but as I reached in the box to let him crawl into my hand he released the most terrifying roar. I have a 20 inch bearded dragon, two large dogs, 16 cats, and have been around animals both wild and domesticated my entire life. That was the first time I ever flinched. Well I lie when I say "flinched"...I dang near dislocated my shoulder drawing my arm back.

I heard they "bark" and I was expecting a grunt or a little frog like sound if he/she ever did it in the future. This was a 3 second scream that ended in a hiss. I tried again and he (i will call it a "he" for now as that's one less letter to type) repeated that scream. I left him alone and put him in his housing when I got home.

I tried to feed him the next day, putting a few crickets in a small plastic box. After a minute or two, he calmed down and ate them. He shed on the third day and was a lot brighter than when I got him. I kind of wonder how old he is.

I just called him Godzilla after that epic roar. Well, that's not the first thing I called him, Godzilla was just the least vulgar.

Here's a pic or two, sorry they aren't better. I had sit him in the container (and the container in the bathtub just in case he got away) and had limited photo options (plus I don't take great pics to begin with). Does he look healthy to you guys? I really hope I can get him to enjoy mealworms, he seems to have no desire for them. I keep a colony going for my bearded dragon and I'm sure he'd be willing to share the tiny ones.

Pic 1: 100_6933.JPG

Pic 2: 100_6936.JPG

Pic 3: 100_6937.JPG
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Tokyo, Japan
Awesome lil gecko! Reminds me of when I brought Dango home :)

I'd definitely advise no handling for the first week... being bought and put into a new environment is a very traumatic experience so they definitely need a little time to adjust.

Embrace Calamity

New Member
Very pretty! And definitely this:
I'd definitely advise no handling for the first week... being bought and put into a new environment is a very traumatic experience so they definitely need a little time to adjust.
Also, most geckos won't eat the first few days they're home. You can continue to offer crickets and/or mealworms, but don't be surprised if he doesn't eat either.



Evergreen, Alabama
He's actually been eating well. He ate about 7 crickets the second night, about 8 the next night, and about 8 or 9 each night since. I'm feeding him the same size ones that are in the pic with him in the container.

I tried a few mealworms that are really small, he did go after one, but the darn thing got under the repticarpet and he got bored. I tried some of the cooked ones also, and somehow it turned into a game. I dipped one in his water dish and held it near with some long black plastic tweezers. He'd lick the water off and look at me through the glass. I got out a syringe after a few times of mealworm dipping and let him drink water droplets off of the tip of the syringe. He drank quite a bit, that was the second night he was home. I moved a water dish nearer to the hide he seems to prefer (the dry hide). I'm using the plastic lid from a pringles can. It's very shallow and low.

I have been removing everything from his tank at night when he gets fed. I don't want any crickets hiding. He seemed to enjoy running around chasing the crickets. I feed them to him until he stops eating, then remove the extra and put the hides and stuff back in.

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