Going "all natural"...vivarium setup questions


Now that my girl is starting to grow and I finally have money to spend I want to get her a bigger setup and go all natural.

I'm looking at the Zoo Med terrarium.

I'm looking for a fogger but all I can seem to find are waterfall/fogger combos. Am I looking in all the wrong places?

As for plants I have no idea what to get. Right now I have clay pebbles, a poly foam divider and cocoa fiber on the top. Do I need a different substrate for the live plants or will that work? Suggestions for plants that have relatively low upkeep would be great.


You want something that will hold moisture but not get soggy so it needs to drain well. I did a false bottom in my tank and used a mix of coco fiber, fir and sphagnum and peat moss mix, and orchid bark mix and it turned out great I think.

Here is a link to a fogger...


and another


and this page is from the same site you linked to for your Zoo Med terrarium...


I ordered all my plants from Josh's Frogs. They are in MI so they are close to you and his stuff is great and all his stuff is tropical so it will work for your setup.

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They are poison dart frog safe so I would assume they would be gecko safe. You could shoot Josh an email about any particular plants you were interested in and he should be able to say for sure just to be safe.

False bottoms are really easy and work great. If you have any questions let me know. I can try to help you out.


They are poison dart frog safe so I would assume they would be gecko safe. You could shoot Josh an email about any particular plants you were interested in and he should be able to say for sure just to be safe.

False bottoms are really easy and work great. If you have any questions let me know. I can try to help you out.

I'll e-mail him in the morning. If you have any pictures of how you made your false bottom or have some links on how to make one that would be great.


I used a chop saw and cut sections of 2" pvc pipe into 2" long sections and placed those in the tank standing straight up. Cut the egg crate down to fit the tank making sure it went all the way to the edges. I used nylon window screen and doubled it over and placed that over the egg crate also making sure it was to the edge and actually I let it come up the sides about a 1/2". After that, covered with my substrate. Hope all that makes since. I will see if I have any pictures. I know I took some.

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