going away

leopard gecko 12

New Member
Hi all,
i am going away for 2 weeks i am going this thursday till september the 1st i have 1 leopard gecko called leo and he is about 7 months old and is 33 grams i am getting my dad to look after him. ive got a weekly order of locust and i have told him to feed him 5 locust plus a few mealworms every few day he normally gets 4 a day is this ok?


Reptile Enthusiast
Titusville, Florida
why would you not feed him the same amount? I would not change his feeding schedule just cause you wont be there, also I would also see if you can get your dad to handle him because if you handle him often then dont for two weeks he might be a little touchy when you get back, also your dad has agreed to keep the cage clean right? wouldnt want to come back with him living in a mound of poop.

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