Golden Gecko


New Member
Hi, I'm new to this forum and I joined in hopes of learning all I can. For a long time I've been wanting a Gecko, I've owned a water dragon, and anoles in the past but never geckos. I was at a pet expo today and they were selling these golden geckos for $8 in a small plastic container. Long story short, I got him and brought him home. I believe I have everything I need, I'm monitoring the temp which I believe is supposed to be 75-85 during the day and 70-75 at night? I fed him two crickets, he ate one for now which I take it is from him being scared of the new environment. I have him in a 30 gallon for now, if I need to I plan to upgrade. I got coconut husk fiber for the bottom of his cage, a small shallow dish for him to drink from and what not, a plant to climb up, and a hiding place. Is there anything else I should know about these guys? From what I know is they should be handled very minimal, is this true? Anything at all you guys can tell me is well appreciated! Also I was wondering if you guys could tell me the sex and maybe if hes young/ old? Not sure how it works with these guys lol. Here's two pictures:


Thank you :D


New Member
Your golden looks young, but I'm leaning towards female, as far as gender. From what I read, you have a good setup going for her. I'd recommend putting lots of fake plants in there, as goldens love to climb/hide. I've had one for about 8 years now, and just got a second one. You are correct, they aren't very handleable, in my experience. They are fantastic "look, but don't touch" pets. They are very fast. In closing, congrats on your new golden. I hope you enjoy her as much as I have mine over the years.


New Member
Beautiful golden!
They are very interesting geckos, for sure. I'd fill your tank with plants and hiding places, your golden will appreciate it. :) They love hiding and climbing.

They are FAST buggers, so be careful when opening the tank. I used to have one, and I opened the tank to mist it, and she dashed out of the tank and was halfway up my wall before I blinked. :p


New Member
Thank you so much for the help, meant to respond awhile ago! She/he is very fast but slow when they walk on the bottom of the tank. She's very active and healthy! Still confused about the sex of she or he. Here's some more pictures:





I put a bunch of plants in there so she has a lot to hide in and climb. She still tends to hide out in the turtle shell hide away that's in her tank. Also I'm so so sorry those pictures showed up big! I didn't realize they would be that big.
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