Good thing I removed her eggs!!!


New Member
Canandaigua NY
My one female laid eggs yesterday. I found them within minutes of her laying them. She had already stepped on one and crushed it, but I got one perfect egg out of it. ;)
I dumped out the vermiculite, put fresh in, and put it back in her tank. She was looking for her eggs this whole time.
I went to a baseball game and when I came home, her and the male had brought a bunch of rocks into the humid hide. These rocks are the size of dimes and quarters! When I looked in, that's all I could see was the two heads peering out at me with barely enough room for them to be in there, sitting on a pile of rocks!
It was hysterical, but thank God I got the one egg out before it got crushed!
Do anyone else's geckos do this???


Mine laid couple days ago and they are her second clutch. Anyways she laid them in the morning and i took her out of the lay box and put the eggs in the incubator and i put the laybox back in her tank and the whole day she was in there digging for them all day i feel bad but like yours im sorry but they get careless and crush them.

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