Got a Leo with a swollen arm . . . separated after being injured by our other Leo.


New Member
Got a Leo with a swollen arm . . . separated after being attacked & injured by our other much larger Leo. We thought it was a female based on size and lack of visual femoral pores, but might have been another male and the attack was possibly dominance/territorial based. Either way, he's doing better, still eating but the arm's swelling has not gone down much in over 2 weeks. We dust our crix so I wouldnt think It'd be a vit deficiency. Maybe an infection. Flagyl, Baytril? If so, what concentration and what dosage? And where to get it? He's (?) a smaller but full grown Leo. It's been 15 yrs or so since I've given any meds to any reptiles. Lots of experience, but it's been awhile. Can anyone help?



Ridgewood, NJ
I wouldn't give my leos any medications like you're talking about without the advice of a qualified veterinarian. He/she could help you out with determining what is wrong with your leo and which medication would best help your leo out. If you don't yet have a vet I would consult Arav to find one in your area.

I also don't leave males and females that differ more than 10% of body weight in the same enclosure together for more than a few hours. I make sure they don't immediately attach each other, observe them for 20-30 minutes and separate immediately if they "do their thing" while I watch. If they don't I leave them together for a few hours, possibly overnight. The potential for them to hurt each other is too high otherwise.

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