I need to know if its safe to keep em both in the same 20gal long. I got another leo yesterday (left) and its a bit smaller. I got luna (right) a month and a half ago and well she has grown but theyre not too far apart right? Idk the morphs either
It is generally frowned upon putting 2 leos together when you have had one for a while and the other is new. You should always quarantine your new leo for at least 30-60 days to make sure it is healthy, parasite free, and well adjusted (eating, pooing, etc.) before introducing it to your other herps, a little late now tho since you've already had them together. What ever the new one might have had your other woud likely have now as well. Also if you're unsure of gender and they are opposite genders, the smaller which may be female could be bred before she's of a healthy size and age. Co-habitating leos brings on it's own share of problems such as bullying over food or the best hides, or space, or the one leo may not be a social leo and not appreciate the company. Leos are solitary creatures in the wild. They don't seek out companionship of other leos.
dang i kinda feel bad now :/ I mean they both seem fine. they share the humid hide and the dry hide..ive seen them sleep together in both. As for food, I shall see what happens tonight The new one seems healthy and is eating & pooing perfectly fine.