got my list!


New Member
north east ohio
craig just confirmed the list of leos that are currently en route to my house, they will be here tomorrow! i am getting;
two female APTORS
one female bold stripe
one female patternless rainwater albino
two female tug sunglows
one male tug sunglow
one female red eyed enigma
one male red stripe enigma
and one male white and yellow sunglow!!! i am really pumped about these animals...didnt think i was gonna get quite as high of value as i did. and the coolest thing is, the white and yellow is a dominant trait and is just recently even available in north is not a really new morph, but not much at all has been done with it so far!! my red stripe enigma and the w&y sunglow are my favs so far! i will post some pics as soon as they settle in for a few days. :main_cool3::main_yes:

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