Got the apartment!



Woo-hoo!! My boyfriend and I got the apartment we wanted!!!! It's only a small one bedroom...but its ours. No more room mate!! Soo excited! And it's in a way better neighborhood too. It's also closer to my boyfriends work. So instead of a 30 minute trip each way for him it's about 10 to 15. We move in at the end of this month! I cant wait to get rid of this blech furniture and get new stuff!

Oh...and I just got my year review at my job. My boss gave me an "exceeds expectations" so I got the full 60 cent raise. It's not much...but heck it helps! AND I won an award at work last night (we had a meeting/award ceremony) for being an excellent associate


Congrats on the new apartment, the raise, and the award. Enjoy having no roomates and your time alone.

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