Gravid female strange behaviors


New Member
Bucks county, PA
almost every one of my females, when gravid, show wierd behaviors.

1. This is probably the strangest. When some of my femalesbecome very heavily gravid, almost ready to lay, they climb up on a hide box or lay box near a wall of the tank and just vertically stretch their body standing on 2 legs up the side of the glass and hold that position for as long as 15 mins straight. Very strange.

2. Also, one of my females who is a first time breeder and was bredabout 5 weeks ago has endlessly scratched at the computer paper substrate i use. I provide 3 laying boxes, yet she chooses to dig where nothing will happen.

3. This same female will also lay on her belly in one spot for many many hours. and do nothing, mostly lay there with her eyes closed.

does anyone else see these strange things in their gravid females? I know digging is normal but the laying motionless and the stretching is really wierd. I'll put up a pic of one of my females stretching too.


Tempest Storm
Actually both of mine do it all the time. Having been pregnant myself and seeing the size of the eggs they lay, I would say it probably feels good to stretch. Its also possible they are curious about a way out. I know my male makes endless rounds trying to find a way out of the tank and comes running any time I put my hand in there. With the scratching though, mine will scratch anything, anywhere, but they've always laid in the boxes. Of course they're older but pretty much the same behavior.

What might be strange about mine is that they are very comfortable about all of their behavior. I see them shed all the time, and they don't even bother to hide when they mate anymore. The girls are touch-me-nots and the male just likes escaping but they're not in the least bit shy. I've got to learn quite a bit by watching them.

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