Gravid leo with the teeniest prolapse


New Member
Hi, guys. I have a female leo who I'm pretty sure is gravid. About a month ago her and the mister were mating quite a lot (first time they've done so in the last 3+ years I've had them). The other day I noticed what appears to be either a very small prolapse, or the beginnings of one (and when I see teeny, it is teeny. it's mostly a slight bulge and on certain angles you can see, maybe a millimeter's worth of something coming out)

After researching treatments online I gave her a sugar bath WHICH STRESSED HER TO THE MAX. She submerged her whole head into the sugar water multiple times trying to find a way out and was breathing very heavily and almost hiccuping or something by the time it was over with. Needless to say I didn't make her stay in very long, and though I cleaned her off as best I could, she was very upset and squirmy. Afterward I put some petroleum jelly on the area--which brings me to pictures and why I don't have any for you right now--the area is currently covered in petroleum jelly and I just want to give her some breathing time before attempting to handle her again.

Anyway now I'm torn because I don't want to put her through that regularly, and though I **can** bring her to a vet, I'm wondering if it's going to be so minimal that they'll just send me back home and tell me to keep giving her sugar baths until it goes away (which would suck so bad because the vet is 1hr+ away and I don't drive so getting out there can be somewhat of an ordeal and costly especially considering I was recently laid off)??

I'll try getting pictures tonight, but in the meantime any input is welcomed!


Ridgewood, NJ
Personally if I thought anything was wrong with any of my females I would separate her from the male IMMEDIATELY. If she is indeed prolapsed and the male is forcing her to mate it must be painful and could make things much worse.


Ridgewood, NJ
Also the sugar bath mainly helps reduce the swelling in the hopes the prolapse will correct itself without medical attention. I don't think regular baths will do any more than the first one plus they don't get rid of the cause. From what I found on the Internet the usual causes of female prolapse are: mating (I.e. get the male away from her now), or strainingnto push something out such as laying a big egg, impaction, or she could be egg bound. Best case scenario is she's just mating too much. If its anything else she'll probably need vet attention.


New Member
Also the sugar bath mainly helps reduce the swelling in the hopes the prolapse will correct itself without medical attention. I don't think regular baths will do any more than the first one plus they don't get rid of the cause. From what I found on the Internet the usual causes of female prolapse are: mating (I.e. get the male away from her now), or strainingnto push something out such as laying a big egg, impaction, or she could be egg bound. Best case scenario is she's just mating too much. If its anything else she'll probably need vet attention.

thank you!


New Member
Also the sugar bath mainly helps reduce the swelling in the hopes the prolapse will correct itself without medical attention. I don't think regular baths will do any more than the first one plus they don't get rid of the cause. From what I found on the Internet the usual causes of female prolapse are: mating (I.e. get the male away from her now), or strainingnto push something out such as laying a big egg, impaction, or she could be egg bound. Best case scenario is she's just mating too much. If its anything else she'll probably need vet attention.

Alright, they've been separated. I'm going to keep them apart and watch her carefully. If it begins to worsen or doesn't start healing up after awhile, I'll take her straight to the vet.

Does anyone know what a vet generally does for prolapses? Will she need to have surgery even if it remains this small?

Thanks again for the help, guys! I really appreciate it.


Ridgewood, NJ
I googled "leopard gecko female prolapse treatment" and found a lot of good info.

From what I'm reading it looks like a good reptile vet should be able to gently reinsert the prolapse. They may have to use a stitch or two to keep it in place. However, a vet can only help if it is caught quickly and does not dry out. If the pink bit dries out and dies it will probably require surgery as it it will need to be excised. They will probably also want to do a fecal to make sure there are no parasites as they are a common cause of prolapse. I know at least in dogs and cats, once a prolapse occurs it is much more likely to reoccur in the future so they will probably recommend that you dont try to breed her again.


New Member
I googled "leopard gecko female prolapse treatment" and found a lot of good info.

From what I'm reading it looks like a good reptile vet should be able to gently reinsert the prolapse. They may have to use a stitch or two to keep it in place. However, a vet can only help if it is caught quickly and does not dry out. If the pink bit dries out and dies it will probably require surgery as it it will need to be excised. They will probably also want to do a fecal to make sure there are no parasites as they are a common cause of prolapse. I know at least in dogs and cats, once a prolapse occurs it is much more likely to reoccur in the future so they will probably recommend that you dont try to breed her again.

WHAT??! I'd have to separate them for good??? they've been together all their lives though :( :( :(


New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
Leopard Geckos don't feel emotions like we do and they are solitary animals. They don't miss each other, she is not sad that he's gone or vice versa. They actually PREFER to live alone. They are solitary in the wild, only coming together for a bit to mate and then be on their way.

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