Well I assumed all my geckos were female because I purchased them as such but last week I noticed one was male so this was unexpected. I guess I should have looked closer before then. So what exactly do I need to do to ensure the babies hatch and are healthy?
Give her a lay box and keep it damp (this will help prevent her from egg binding as well). Buy an incubator, a tupperware, some perlite, vermiculite or hatchrite, mix it with a correct amount of water, get it into the incubator and turn it on ahead of time to make sure everything stays between 80-90 degrees. Make sure you have a couple bins or a cage for the babies that is set at proper temps and some mealworms or small dubia for them to eat a few days after they hatch. There are lots of resources that will help you learn around the internet. I would suggest reading as much as you can before they arrive!
That egg looks pretty big. There's no way of knowing for sure but I would assume she'll lay in the next week. They can more or less choose when to lay their eggs so it's a bit up to them and not "when their time comes" like a mammal's would.
I can see a vain over the egg in the pic my geckos will normally lay about 3-4 days after I notice the vain. All geckos are diff tho. Good luck and I would start doing research on hatching now if you haven't started yet.:main_thumbsup: