green liquid vomit/poop?


New Member
Last weekend, I left town for a few days and left my leopard gecko at home. I left her with food, water, humid hyde, heat, etc, but when i came back she had shed and had a lot left on her face. I wasn't too concerned because i know that sometimes bad sheds happen. I used saline and a moist q-tip to help get it out of her eyes, and i had to work on one of them for quite a while before she was able to open it. she still has some stuck around her nose that i work on periodically and she is stoo, but i haven't been able to get it compeletely free.

that's just the back story.. now that her eyes have been clear of shed for a good week, they still look cloudy and dark and maybe a little like they have some puss or something in them. she keeps them closed more often than normal, but they don't seem to really be bothering her.

on friday, i found what looked like green fluid, not sure if it was poop or if she had thrown it up. i cleaned it up as well as everything in her cage, but i've since noticed a couple of other small green spots.

she is still acting completely normal-- eating, pooping, drinking water, walking around.. if her eyes didn't look funny or i hadn't noticed the green stuff, i wouldn't even know anything was going on.

what is the green stuff? how worried should i be? any advice will be greatly appreciated! thanks :main_huh:

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