

New Member
Elizabethville, PA
We were down in Lancaster getting feeders yesterday, and the obsession kicked in again. This big boy had been there last time too, had been turned in by his former owner. He does have some major shed issues on his toes at the moment, but I'll be working with him over the next few days. (Don't want to stress him out too much all at once.) But now that he's out of the pet store and home with what he needs. Weighs in at 76g, and has such a sweet personality (even after I was soaking and picking at his feet. lol).

As for morph, I'm thinking tang? Not entierly sure with how far the orange runs down his tail.






New Member
Elizabethville, PA
For me, SHTCTB. He's nice!

I would suggest getting the shed off his toes, though. ;)

I've been working on the shed since we brought him home yesterday. Apparently the place we got him doesn't believe in moist hides. He's going to loose some toes, but once we get it all off he should be ok. I'm trying to do a bit at a time, there were 3 toes that were really bad. So I finished on up last night, and started on the other 2 today. I just don't want to stress him out too much. He's been really good about it so far other than all the squirming.

And some good news - Right after I posted I was able to get the worst shed off his 2 toes. Now it's just the small stuff on the tips. :)
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