Group/Community lizards, what are some?


New Member
Hamilton, Ontario
Ok I already am an owner of 2 male bearded dragons and a male fat tailed gecko. However most of you already know that these reptiles can not be caged together, and I would like an enclosure with multiple reptiles in it for interaction. I have a 4'x2'x2' enclosure in which to put some new reptiles and i am looking for some suggestions as to which reptiles i should put into the enclosure.

Things im looking for in my new reptiles,
-relatively inexpensive since i want 6-10 of them
-they must not be territorial or fight when placed together
-i would prefer if males can be housed together but that isn't necessary
-would prefer they are somewhat interesting lol
-work required to maintain the reptiles is not an issue for me

please give me some suggestions as to what kind of reptiles i should put into my new enclosure.

Thanks in advance


New Member
Athens, GA
I think anoles are quite interesting to watch. Their behaviors are fascinating, and they never sit still.

I've successfully housed a pair of house geckos, a trio of green anoles, and a pair of long-tailed glass lizards in a 30 gallon vivaria with live plants. In general, mixing a nocturnal and diurnal species is best provided they're both roughly the same size. Also, the size of the tank is very important. The smaller day gecko species are a bit pricier and trickier to take care of, but can be very interesting vivaria animals.

Be very wary about housing amphibians and reptiles together. I made the mistake of housing an American toad with my anoles once, and let's just say one of the anoles didn't make it.

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