Hand Feeding a sick Leo


New Member
I have a leo that had an abcess and the infection spread to his eyes and is now on antibiotics and eye medicine. He has lost 10 grams so the vet has told me to hand feed him baby food to get some nutrition in him. Has anyone done this before and if so how much should I feed him and how often should I feed him? I have fed him twice today and he does not seem to mind being handfed. I really figured it would be hard because getting him to take his antibiotics is very hard.


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
If your vet is saying feed baby food for nutrition, it may be good to print up the slurry recipe and take it to their office, they also have the pet food used in the mixture. They may recommend the slurry instead, since it has an insect base along with all the other nutrients.

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